Who We Are?

Global Group is a UAE based company specializing in Natural Gas Resources along with real estate, equipment trading and food & beverages. Our mission is to deliver the turnkey end-to-end solutions providing reliable, secure and safe natural gas to customers with no access to physical pipeline. We use innovative virtual pipeline solutions to deliver a clean and cost effective alternative fuel that reduces total energy costs and environmental impact.

We, In Numbers

0 + Million

Liters of Gas Transported & Distributed Yearly

0 +

Fleet & Growing

0 +

Corporate & Individual Customers

0 +

Years In Business

Our Offices

Global Group, UAE is a set of 5 different sister companies operating from three different locations in UAE viz AL Ain, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Global Group offers the best turnkey solutions for the oil and gas distribution along with real estate, food and MEP services.

Abu Dhabi

Liwa Tower, Liwa Street, Mez Floor, PO Box 43688

Phone: +971 2 446 1599

Phone: +971 2 559 9477

AL Ain

Sanaiya, Al Aras, Al Ain, UAE

Dubai, UAE

ETA Star House, AL Muteena, Dubai, UAE

Phone: +971 2 559 9477

Phone: +971 2 446 1599

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